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Get the inside scoop on Lucid | September Community Newsletter

  • 3 September 2024
  • 2 replies

Community news 📰

Become a Lucid Legend and get the inside scoop!

If you love Lucid, want to share your expert knowledge, and would like an exclusive look into Lucidchart, Lucidspark, and Lucidscale, then apply to be a Lucid Legend! Lucid Legends is our insider program that gets an exclusive look into all things Lucid!  Lucid Legends are our go-to users for product feedback, help provide answers in the community, and receive access to helpful monthly trainings. 

This September, all Lucid Legends will get a first look into the next Lately @ Lucid launch in a monthly training. They will get the exclusive opportunity to preview Lucid’s newest, exciting features before they launch, learn impactful ways to utilize these features, and participate in a Q&A with product experts about the launch. 

If this sounds interesting to you, apply to be a part of our Lucid Legends program here!  See one for our Lucid Legends in action in this Use Case Spotlight.


Persona group highlight

Our community has several persona groups available to allow you to connect with other professionals and experts like you! These groups are great for asking specific questions about UX, Education, IT, and more. Check out what groups are available: 

Here is a post we want to highlight from our engineering group. In this post, a user asked several questions about using Dynamic Tables for creating product roadmaps. One of our Lucid Legends, @Humas1985 , provided some valuable insight on this topic, and @Preston H, a product manager at Lucid, also jumped in and gave some additional context!


Lucid Legends and community leaderboard 🏆

These are the users who have contributed the most replies and posts in the community. Thank you for your participation—we appreciate your willingness to help other users and share your knowledge!

Our top three Lucid Legend contributors for this past month are @Humas1985 , @Ria S , and @Leo Barnes! Thank you for your hard work Legends!

Our top three community contributors for this past month are @Ben Tesch , @mcastrigno , and @Ellery Goudy! Thank you for participating in the community!

Popular discussions ⭐️

Check out this workaround from @khaleesioflucidchart  related to this frequently requested feature!

Check out this discussion about a recent Agile conference in Dallas! If you are an avid Agile user, check out our Agile Trusted User Group!



Get inspired💡

Find new and inspiring ways to use Lucid from this community post:


Community challenge 🏁

We will post the challenge winners in next month's newsletter!

This month’s winner is @Ria S ! Congratulations Ria! 

This month’s challenge is to create a community post about the most unique way you have used Lucid! For example, I have used Lucidspark to rank all of Taylor Swift’s albums. Share your unique use case and then add a link to your post in the thread below!


I’m loving this newsletter idea! Kudos to the Lucid team for putting this together :) 

Check out this link to learn about the innovative way I utilized Lucid chart.

Most unique way I have used Lucid! - Community challenge Sep 2024 | Community


Best Regards
