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We have started to use Lucid Dynamic Tables during our Big Room Planning and continue to use it as a product roadmap over the quarter.

Currently have a mix of questions / feedback for this, hoping someone can help:

  1. The JQL query brings in tickets from a sprint which has been completed, yet the completed sprint does not show in the dynamic table. How can we keep these sprints visible?
  2. Searching within the Lucidspark document, I am not able to search for the ticket number in a Lucid card - is there plans for this in the future?
  3. When trying to add notes into a field within the dynamic table, with the column and row set to attributes in Jira (i.e. Epic Link and Sprint), the note understandably moves into a “Not Set” column / row. Would be amazing if the notes stayed where they were placed and then the fields relating to the column / row choice were automatically filled in when converting to a Jira issue
  4. The sync option for a dynamic table adds / removes Jira tickets based on the JQL, but does not update the attributes for the cards already imported, this means that changes made within Jira do not show on the roadmap immediately. They do eventually update (not sure the time period), but would be good to include a “Refresh all cards” option.

Hi @JPToadstool 

For your first problem statement, associated to JQL query:

To fix the issue related to completed sprints are properly displayed in the dynamic table, you can explore modifying the JQL query to include completed sprints.

One possible solution is to use JQL clauses such as 'status != "closed"' to exclude closed tickets from the query.

Instead, you can create a custom field in Jira to mark sprints as active or inactive, allowing us to filter them accordingly in the JQL query.


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

Hi @JPToadstool 

For your second problem statement, associated to searching for ticket numbers within Lucidspark Cards, this feature is not a native capability within Lucid cards directly in Lucidspark - try to Search for the ticket number within Jira itself.



Hi @JPToadstool 

For your third problem statement, 

Directly adding notes to Jira attributes within the dynamic table is not a native capability and you can give a try of other possibilities.


Hi @JPToadstool 

For your fourth problem statement, 

Update existing cards is not a native capability and it is a good callout for future enhancement to include a “Refresh all cards” option - Kindly add this in ideas which will help the team to explore and prioritize Product feedback | Community (



Hi @JPToadstool 

For your first problem statement, associated to JQL query:

To fix the issue related to completed sprints are properly displayed in the dynamic table, you can explore modifying the JQL query to include completed sprints.

One possible solution is to use JQL clauses such as 'status != "closed"' to exclude closed tickets from the query.

Instead, you can create a custom field in Jira to mark sprints as active or inactive, allowing us to filter them accordingly in the JQL query.


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

Hi, thanks for the suggestions. The Jira issues are present within the search results from the JQL query, but do not show on the dynamic table within the sprint column. Is this intended behaviour or a bug?

Thanks @JPToadstool for the insight, seems this needs to be addressed by the internal team to confirm for us, let's take it to them for conclusion.

@JPToadstool Hi! I’m a product manager here at Lucid. Thank you so much for your questions and feedback!


  1. We’re looking into that
  2. This is also something that we’re looking into and we hear it a lot. Stay tuned :)
  3. Great feedback, thank you. We don’t have a solution for that quite yet
  4. I responded to your other community post about this
