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I'm creating flowcharts in Lucidchart and there are two different sets of text formatting that I can't fix; one set appears hazy (upper box in image) and the other appears normal (normal box in image). I've tried playing with the text formatting options but can't get the hazy box to look normal - anyone have any insight into how to fix this?






Alternatively is there a way to just delete all special formatting for a text box so I can start at square one?









Thanks for reaching out! It looks like the text that appears to be hazy may have a shadow applied to it. To find out click on the Shape Options menu and manage the shadow. Please let me know if this works for you!

I'm seeing this as well.Any-way-to-resolve?

Hi Henry thanks for continuing this thread. To clarify is the box in your screenshot above the only bit of text you're experiencing this with or do you see it on all text in your document? Additionally are you experiencing this in multiple documents?

Thanks for looking into this. When I export the quality is good. For some reason just when I am working in the platform this is occurring.

Hi Henry thanks for the response. I'm glad to hear that the export appears normally. Could you try opening your document in a private or incognito window to help us narrow down the potential cause? Could you also try connecting to a different network or disconnecting from your VPN (if applicable)? Sometimes account performance issues can be related to internet security/speed or browser issues. These steps will help us eliminate that possibility. For help with opening an incognito window please see this community post. Additionally can you please clarify if the box in your screenshot above is the only bit of text you're experiencing this with or do you see it on all text in your document? Additionally are you experiencing this in multiple documents?

I am experiencing this as well (recently). When the text is selected for editing it's crisp after submitting the change it renders blurry.

Hi Mauricio thanks for continuing this thread and apologies for the trouble! Can you please try the troubleshooting steps in my comment above and let me the results?

Hi Micah I experience the same issue with/without VPN and in a Chrome Incognito window. It seems to work OK in Safari though.

In the image above the left is Chrome and the right is Safari.

Hi Mauricio thanks for getting back to me with those screenshots and for trying those troubleshooting steps- I can see the difference you're describing! WebGL might be causing an issue with the graphics card on your computer. Can you try toggling WebGL off? This can be done by selecting View > Rendering > Use WebGL and un-selecting this option. For help with disabling WebGL please see this community post.

Thanks @micah b101 -- that did the trick. I didn't have the WebGL option directly but from Chrome's settings disabling Hardware Acceleration (and re-launching Chrome) made the text render crisply. Re-enabling it (and restarting) made it fuzzy again. So definitely something with Hardware Acceleration in Chrome.

Hi Mauricio I'm glad to hear that turning off Hardware Acceleration did the trick. For reference you can disable WebGL from within Lucidchart by selecting View > WebGL. I hope this allows you to continue your work as a sufficient workaround. 

I would like to report this to our development team so they can take a closer look at what's happening here. So that I can give them complete information can you confirm that this was happening in every document you have?

Same for me. All the elements except for the interface is blurry. Editing text makes it unblur but submitting brings the haziness back.Chrome 117 Windows 11.

Hi @glebsam

Thanks for continuing this thread and apologies for the trouble. Were you able to try using an incognito browser and toggling off WebGL as mentioned in the comments above? If that doesn't resolve the issue do you mind replying with a screenshot of what you're seeing on your end so we can take a closer look?

@addie h

Nothing helped take a look at the screenshot. Lucidchart interface is on the left (crystal clear) and canvas on the right (blurry)

Hi @glebsam

Thanks for trying those troubleshooting steps and for sharing this additional information. Do you mind responding with a support pin for your document? Please review this Help Center article to learn how to generate a support pin. This will allow me to take a closer look to get a better idea of what could be causing the issue. Thanks for your help and patience! 

Hello ​@Addie 

I’m experiencing the same issue as Glebsam. I just DM’d you my support pin.

Hi ​@aarabimian, Unfortunately Addie is no longer with our team but I am happy to help take a look at this issue! Are you experiencing this issue within one document, or across several documents in your account?

First, I recommend trying these steps: 

  1. Opening your document in a private or incognito window to help us narrow down the potential cause. For help with opening an incognito window please see this community post.
  2. Connecting to a different network or disconnecting from your VPN (if applicable). Sometimes account performance issues can be related to internet security/speed or browser issues. These steps will help us eliminate that possibility. 
  3. WebGL might be causing an issue with the graphics card on your computer. Can you try toggling WebGL off? This can be done by selecting View > Rendering > Use WebGL and un-selecting this option. For help with disabling WebGL, please see this Community post.

Would you mind confirming if the above steps resolve the problem? If not, can you send me the following information so I can take a closer look?

  • A screenshot of the associated Javascript Console output after reproducing the issue. You can open your Javascript Console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J (if your computer is a Windows/Linux) OR Cmd+Opt+J (if your computer is a Mac).
  • Can you please send a temporary Support PIN for this document within this thread? For more information on generating a Support PIN, check out this Help Center article. This PIN is only accessible by members of the Lucid support team, so it is safe to share within this thread.

Thank you in advance for your help and patience!

Thanks for the quick response ​@Ambar D !

Unfortunately, I’m experiencing this issue across all documents. There were one or two instances when the blurriness was fixed on its own, but I wasn’t able to find out why.

  1. I tried opening my document in an incognito window; same result.
  2. I’m seeing this issue on my home and university networks, so it should be network-agnostic.
  3. I tried disabling WebGL, and even hard-refreshed afterwards (ctrl+f5); same result. I noticed that refreshing turns WebGL back on, but again, the issue persists regardless.

Here’s a screenshot of the JS console output:


And here’s my support pin: du589U9tTCAM8l206297792

Here’s some additional info you might find useful:

  • OS: Arch Linux
  • Browsers tested: Brave v1.75.180 (Chromium-based), Chrome v133.0.6943.126
    • Firefox doesn’t have this problem! Only Chromium-based browsers.
  • Display resolution: 3840x2400 (4k 16:10)
  • Display scaling: 200%
  • Desktop environment: GNOME
  • Window manager: Mutter (Wayland)

Hi ​@aarabimian, thank you for replying with that detailed information! I am taking a closer look at your document and discussing internally to investigate further.

Since you are experiencing this across all documents, can you please also provide me with a Technical Support PIN for your account? Please navigate to your Account Settings to generate this PIN. For more information on generating a Support PIN, check out this Help Center article. This PIN is also safe to share within this thread, as it is only accessible by members of the Lucid support team.

Sorry for the trouble and thank you for your help as I continue looking into this! 

@Ambar D Here’s my account support pin: iu6CFFlYGkeJAG206297792

Hi ​@aarabimian, I’m truly sorry for the delay here. Thank you for sending this PIN. I haven’t been able to reproduce this on my end quite yet.

Sorry for the hassle, but would you mind confirming whether you are using an custom font? Have you noticed whether this issue occurs with a specific font on your end of things ? 

Thank you for the account support pin - would you be willing to also share a temporary support PIN for one specific document where you’re noticing this issue? This will allow me to take a closer look at the issue you’re experiencing. For more information on generating a Support PIN, check out this Help Center article.

Again, I am sorry for the hassle and thank you for your patience as I continue looking into this.
