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We have SCIM enabled for Lucid. According to this doc:, whenever a user is delicensed, the system forces transfer of the user’s docs before they can be delicensed. This seems to be forced in the SCIM depro behavior as well as in a manual delicensing.


For various reasons, we do not want to transfer docs they owned when we delicense them. Is there any possible way to delicense a user without being forced to transfer their docs to some other user?

Hi @michaelmarinucci  - The the ask here is to - delicense a user in Lucidchart without transferring their documents to another user, you may encounter hurdles because Lucidchart typically requires documents to be transferred to prevent data loss when a user is delicensed

For more info - you can also refer this link -



Hope this helps - Happy to help further !!

Thank you very much and have a fantastic day!

Warm regards

Thanks @Humas1985 . So it seems Lucid forces data transfer when delicensing a user and there is no way around this. That is unfortunate, but thank you for confirming. We can consider this closed.

@michaelmarinucci  Thanks for the understanding if you can mark the query as solved - if in case it is all aligned - which will also help other pursuers on this topic for future reference.

Have a great rest of your evening !!

HI @Humas1985 , sorry I don’t see a Solved button, or know how to Solve this request. 🤷 Or can this be submitted as feedback for consideration?

HI @michaelmarinucci - Mostly it is all for this topic - you might be seeing - Mark it as “Answer” else  something like below one to closeout !!

