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For some reason I'm unable to select shapes to change them.  Double-clicking does nothing. The only way I've found to be able to select a shape and have it remain selected is by click-dragging my mouse of the shape.

Here's a screen capture of the problem unfortunately you can't see my mouse but the flashes are me try to select the shape(s).

This issue only started today and then only after I viewed the Revision History.

Hi Rich

Thank you for posting in the Community! Just so I can understand your problem a little bit more..

  • Does it seem like it's attempting to select the shape but doesn't hold or is it just completely unresponsive?

  • Is this the only document this is happening in or can you reproduce in any (new or existing)?

  • Does this happen with only certain shapes in this document or all? What about different elements like lines and text?

  • Does this happen in different browsers or with a different internet connection?

Providing that information will allow us to take a closer look. Thanks for your help!


You're correct I click it it outlines briefly but when I release the mouse button it's unselected. Double-clicking it does the same thing...if I want to change text in a shape I need to click and drag my mouse over the shape and then just start typing.

This is not the only document this is happening in. But when I tested it on a new document I didn't seem to have the issue...however I also didn't do an extensive document for that test either.

It doesn't appear to be all the shapes in the document some work as expected. Rough estimate it seems to afflict about 50% of the shapes. With a different document though it's 100% of the shapes. I also dragged a new shape onto the page and it worked fine.  I changed the text in the shape deleted a shape that had the odd behavior and placed the new working shape in that old shapes spot...the new shape stopped working.

It does appear to be all browsers I've tried Firefox (the on I use Lucid with the most) Safari and Chrome. I'm running a Mac with all my browsers updated to the latest version (as is my Mac OS).

It is affecting things like lines too...which makes it more difficult and time consuming to add text to lines.

I will add it just recently started having this problem...I worked in these flows for weeks with no problems but yesterday I started having the problem.

If you need to know specific flows let me know I'm happy to get you any information you need.


Can you try opening the document in a private or incognito window to help us narrow down the potential cause? Could you also try connecting to a different network? Sometimes document performance issues can be related to your internet security/speed or browser issues and these steps will help us eliminate that possibility. If this problem does not occur in an incognito window that means you might have to clear your cache and cookies. If the problem persists please let me know.



I have tried in Incognito mode and still have the same issue. I work from home so trying a different network isn't as easy as it sounds but I can say a co-worker in a different part of the country is having the same issue on the flows. These are shared flows if that helps.

Hello Rich

I have created a ticket so we can take a closer look at this problem you're encountering. I will reach out to you from there for more information. Thank you for your patience!

I just had a similar problem with one of my documents.  I can only select shapes by dragging.   In my case the issue is caused by a border that I have put in a background layer.  The border is a box with no fill so you see the objects within the border but in fact they are under it.  It seems the behavior in Lucid is that any objects in a layer are put on top of all the other objects in the default page layer.   The workaround is to create a new layer called for instance foreground move all the objects into that layer and then move that layer above the background layer.  Or just hide the background to manipulate the objects in the page. 

This behavior is different than say Visio where the order of which objects is determined not by the layer but their position as set by send forward or send backwards.
