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Hi there - 

I just removed a user from team (no longer works here) and mistakingly didn't transfer his documents!  Is there any way to restore this users files and add them to my account?

This is rather urgent!

Hi Frank

Thanks for reaching out on the community. Because this situation is specific to your team's account I have created a ticket and a member of our team will reach out directly to assist you. For anyone else who may be experiencing this issue please reach out to our support team using this form. Thanks!

when i deleted  user from the actions button it did not give the option to transfer the documents of a user. Is there a way to recover the documents and transfer them to another user AFTER the user was deleted.

thank you

Hi Tina thanks for posting on this thread. I created a Support ticket from your comment so we can directly assist you. Someone from the team will reach out to you shortly. 

The same thing happened to me.  I deleted a user who has left the company but it did not prompt me to transfer the files -- as the help documents says it would here:

I have other users that need to be deleted a files transferred but I'm stuck until I get better information on how to do so.

Hi Aimee thanks for posting. I've created a support ticket so we can take a closer look. We'll be reaching out to you soon.

  1. Log into the Admin account.

  2. Select "Admin" in the left-hand menu.

  3. Click on the "Users" tile.

  4. Search for the name of the employee to be deleted and check their box.

  5. Under "actions" click "delete user." You'll be asked to transfer the files to a different account and confirm that you understand.

Can you share the scenario of when you won't be asked to transfer files?

If the user is delicensed already adding the license back doesn't seem to resolve it.

I think I have found the solution.

When the user is in a group the files/folders cannot be transferred "according to LucidChart".

Although I only see this message under one user (when they are all in the same group)

Hi Sarah thanks for following up on this thread. I'm not able to see the message you referenced but if you are struggling to delete a user (or have accidentally deleted a user without transferring files) please free free to submit a Support ticket so we can investigate further. Make sure to include the email address of the user you deleted in your message. 

To answer your question- you wouldn't be asked to transfer a user's files if you select the 'Remove from Team' option instead of 'Delete'. 'Remove from Team' (which only available to admins on Team accounts) breaks the user from your account but allows them to retain their files. For more information about the difference between these two options please see this section of our User Management article. You also won't be asked to transfer if the user doesn't own any documents. (Shared document permissions are not transferred). This also includes any Team Folders which are 'owned' by the overall account rather than any individual user. Unfortunately re-adding a user or restoring their license does not also restore the documents they used to have. 

I need to recover a user as well. I was deleting a group of 8 users. For seven users it prompted me to the option of transferring files. For one user for some reason it just went straight to deleting the user. Please help me to recover. 


Hi Leon! I responded to your other post about this issue and have followed up with you directly about the deleted user.  If you didn't see the option to transfer any files for the user it's likely that they didn't own any files at the time of deletion. (Only files the user owns are transferred so this does not include any files owned by other users which have been shared with them.)

I was successful in deleting a user but I was never presented with the option to transfer their documents as the instructions indicated I might be able to. Would someone be able help me recover those documents of the deleted user and or transfer them to an existed member of our team?

Hi Neil 

I have moved you to a support ticket so I can take a closer look at the previously mentioned user. If you didn't see the option to transfer any files for the user it's likely that they didn't own any files at the time of deletion. Please note that we cannot transfer Shared files. Anything not owned by the deleted user cannot be transferred to a different user. 

Hi I need to recover files for a recently removed user.  Please help.

Hi there

Thanks for reaching out on the community - I've created a ticket so that we can take a closer look at your case and directly assist you! For anyone else who may be experiencing this issue please reach out to our support team using this form.
