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I have a couple of simple issues for managing my Lucidchart and can't find answers.

Is there someone I can contact?  It is probably a 10 minute conversation



I am trying to change the default font and size and can't seem to do that

i am having trouble with the distances between shapes'

I have a couple of my own shapes that i keep using but have to add in everytime. they don't show up in the default shape library

Hi Charles thanks for posting in the Lucid Community - I'm happy to help! We don't offer phone support but I would be glad to work through those points with you here. 

1. To change the default font size first ensure that no shapes are currently selected (clicking a blank area on your canvas is a great way to do this) then choose the font size you'd like to be the default in the toolbar at the top of the editor. All text added after this will be that size by default.

2. Can you please provide a bit more detail about what you're trying to accomplish and where you're running into issues? As a starting point I recommend that you enable your canvas' grid and ruler in Page Settings for easier visualization. 

You can also use the Shape Options menu in the toolbar at the top of the editor to manually enter an object's coordinates on the canvas to precisely set their locations. 

3. It is not possible to add your own custom shapes to one of Lucidchart's shape libraries. However you can add these shapes to a custom shape library of your own which you can then access via your Shapes panel on the left for easy quick additions. For more instructions on how to create a custom shape library please take a look at this Shape Libraries article from the Lucidchart Help Center. 

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions!

I am having some questions related to Lucid Kindly assist:

1. If any individual leaves the company can his/her data content saved in Lucid be transferred to any of his team members or his manager for future reference?

2. Just want to confirm the reason of having a lot of pending requests for acquiring licenses by the users?

3. Also please let me know if we can have a collective AD group for all the teams for individuals to get added to Lucid Chart?

Hi Namita 

Thanks for continuing this thread! I am happy to provide some clarification. 

1. In order to delete a user on your team and transfer their files to another account on the team follow the steps outlined in the Delete a user section of our Admin Panel: User Management article.

Note: You must be an Account Owner Team Admin or Group Admin (Enterprise only) to delete a user from a team. You can only designate one user to receive all of the transferred documents. When a Group Admin deletes a user and transfers their documents the user they are transferring to must belong to the Group Admin's group.

2. To clarify are you asking why you have pending requests for licenses in your admin panel?

3. The Lucidchart application in Azure lets you provision Groups and their members to your Lucid account. Please reference this section of our Azure SAML and SCIM Integration article.

2. In reply to the second point just wanted to know since we have limited LUCID licenses to be offered to the users the number of pending requests is more as compared to the limited licenses infact there are some users who have requested for the licenses twice or 6 to 5 times. I wanted to know for my information as to the reason behind the same.


The pending license request is not associated with how many licenses you have to grant. It is intended to be a way to keep a record of who is simply requesting a license as well as a mode to grant them without having to search individual users. 
