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Change object border size and color when triggering action

  • February 5, 2018
  • 1 reply

Stefano V

Hello there I would to be able to create a hotspot that triggers a layer that simply changes the border and color to some objects in the main layer in order to highlight them.

Right now I can only create an hotspot that triggers a new layer with the duplicate of the object that I want to highlight with the color and border size that I want the problem is that those objects are separate so if I move the object in the main layer the hotspot will trigger the layer with the highlighted version of the object but with a different position.

There's a way to do that?

Remy M
  • Lucidite
  • February 5, 2018

Hi Stefano

Thanks for your post. Unfortunately the only way to do what you are requesting is with the workaround that you are using. I agree that this is a bit inelegant and this would be a good enhancement to the hotspot feature. I recommend filling out our Feature Request form as this is the best way for our product team to hear your feedback on this.
