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ORG charts are documented using groups views as a way of showing (for example) scrum teams.
This is a good idea.

However I am looking for the way to include one employee in multiple teams.

Scrum team A 

Employee 2 Employee 1

Scrum Team B 

Employee 3 Employee 1.

In my google sheets I want to automatically create a group view for Scrum team so that an individual smart container is created for each scrum team.

I then want each employee to be entered into the correct smart containers even if it's more than one smart container.

This doesn't appear to be possible has anyone already solved this?

Hi Patrick thanks for posting on the community! If you haven’t organized your employees by Scrum team before they will all show up unassigned in one block on a new page. Use the “+” icons to create new Scrum teams and drag and drop your team members into the appropriate group. You can use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to add a duplicate of an employee so that you can put them in two different Scrum teams. You will have to manually create and adjust the Scrum teams in Lucidchart. Below is a gif to show the described action:

Please check out this How to manage Scrum teams in Lucidchart article for more information of setting up and managing Scrum team views from an Org Chart. For additional information on creating and managing Org Charts please check out the Org Charts article

Hi Shanna H

Thank you for the response. 
This does not really fit my need because I am using a Google Sheet to populate the chart. I want the Smart Container created in the group view to populate with the correct team members.

i.e. I can have some team leaders enter their team members in google sheet and then the containers fill up correctly

What you decribe implies that someone needs to copy paste entries in Lucid charts and that would leave data out of sync with google sheets or create duplicate entries in google sheets.

Hi Patrick

Thanks for following up!

If you are looking to use just Smart Containers (rather than the Group View from Org Charts) please check out our Smart Containers article for instructions on importing your Google Sheet and setting up the Smart Containers automatically based on your imported data. When imported you can select to sort the Smart Containers by any of your included containers (such as team name location etc.) from your Google Sheet.

Unfortunately there is not a way to automatically include the same individual in several different smart containers without having manually duplicating them in your Lucidchart diagram (you are correct that this would leave your data out of sync with google sheets) or without having duplicates in your google sheet under the different containers you will import them under. If this is functionality you would be interested to see in the future please post in our Product Feedback section . Submissions here are passed on directly to our product development team and can help shape future roadmaps. Thanks!
