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The issue is the following:

I've exported an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) from Lucidchart and imported it into Visio (plan1). The resulting diagram in Visio is not fully editable I can only rename fields; adding or deleting them is not possible.

If there is another way to work around without manually recreating the ERD in Visio I would like to know.


Hi there thank you for contributing to the Lucid for Developers Community space. As this issue does not appear to concern our APIs I’ve moved your post to our Lucid Suite Community space and someone will reach out to you shortly. 

Hi there
Thanks for posting in the Community! Compatibility with Visio is something we take very seriously and our team has dedicated countless hours over the last few years to make these exports as high fidelity as possible. In certain cases due to differences between the two applications it isn't possible to make shapes exported from Lucidchart behave exactly as shapes created in Visio do.

However we'd be happy to take a closer look at the specific document and feature that you're running into trouble with. I have converted your request into a support ticket. Please check your email for further assistance from a support agent.

If other users are encountering similar issues please create a ticket with our product support team here containing a screenshot of the issue and the URL of the document so we can take a closer look. 
