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I have a data table in my document showing data/table of contents kind of info. I want to be able to make a reference back to that data on other pages of my document. 

For example: first row first column of my table says "screen 1" 

second column of th first row says "data 1"


I want to be able to put that data into a separate page and have it update as it updates in the data table. So if i turn "data1" into "daataa1" it should update all the instances of that reference. 


is that possible?

Hi Greg

Thanks for your post! What you're describing should be possible through conditional formatting and formulas. These articles on Conditional Formatting and How To Use Formulas in the Lucidchart Help Center provide instructions on how to use both of these features. If you have further questions after reviewing these resources please let me know. 

Hi! I’m Micah from Lucid’s community team. 👋 I thought you, and any others who might come across this topic in the future, might be interested in Lucid’s Data Trusted User Group. This group is made up of knowledgeable users who regularly analyze and visualize data in their work. As part of this group, you’ll have the opportunity to connect directly with Lucid’s product team, gain early access to beta features, and share insights about your needs, shaping the future of Lucid’s data solutions 🎉 You can learn more and request to join here. Thanks!

