Is there a way to customize the Shape layout for a Lucidchart Org Chart Shape? Right now, each property appears in a list and we can rearrange the order of that list by individual shape or universally for all shapes.
However, I saw a custom, manually created org chart whose shape was separated into sections with the properties in each section. It was quite nice. There were three horizontal sections, with the bottom split into three vertical sections. The top section was for position, middle section for name, and then bottom three sections were for Area, Phase, and Location. Each of those sections could be conditionally formatted to make it very easy and quick to identify the location of the various resources. For example, a user could scan a very large org chart and look for any shape where the bottom right corner was a certain color representing a specific location (country). This can also be done by using the Groups Visualization, but doing it in the org chart allows you to maintaining the reporting lines. Then you can see if people from one location are reporting to someone in a different location. In addition, the Area can also be color coded allowing for a very nice visualization.
Is there a way for us to customize the layout of the individual org chart shapes? I tried creating a custom shape made up of several shapes with data properties, but it didn’t work so well. Plus, I can’t simply use my staffing excel file to populate the data and my org chart can contain up to 300 resources.