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New Conditional Formatting does not apply to lines

  • June 2, 2020
  • 1 reply

Ka K

Recently (this week) observed that Conditional Formatting rule is now being applied to all new shapes (despite never defining a rule previously) such that all newly created shapes and lines (connections) are now transparent. This is not ideal (nor is it intuitive for users).

As a workaround I tried to apply Conditional Formatting to define a color on all shapes (e.g. black border black lines to mimic the prev. default view). I see the rule applies to newly created shapes but it does not apply to the lines (connections) between those shapes. I still have to manually select and pick a color - which can be frustrating b/c the lines are invisible by default. Group select to find these lines has turned this into a rather tedious task. Any ideas?

Shanna H
  • Lucid support team
  • June 3, 2020

Hi Ka

Thanks for reaching out on Lucidchart Community! We have received your ticket and will provide support there as this looks like it might be a doc specific issue that is occurring because of the default properties that are set up. 

It sounds like the default fill and line color options in your document may have been set to transparent. After a default fill color or line color is selected all shapes and lines added to the canvas will adhere to that color selection. 

If you would like to set the default properties (line color fill color) applied to new shapes and lines added to your canvas un-select any highlighted objects by clicking anywhere on your canvas and then change the style settings(screenshot attached). Any new shapes added to the document after doing this will adhere to your color selections. Please note that you may have to remove the conditional formatting rule you referenced in order for this to function as I've described. 

For anyone else that has questions on creating and applying rules using Conditional Formatting please check out Conditional Formatting and Icon Sets.
