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I have been linking shapes in a diagram to other pages (tabs) in my document. This feature worked well. 


I recently downgraded to Professional (1 user) and now when I try to create the action "Link to Page" in a shape it does not open up the drop down that allowed me to select the page in the document where to link.  Nowhere it says that the linking feature is tied to the license model.  Linking a shape to an external URL seem to work OK.


Is this a recently introduced bug or is the result of the change in license?


Many thanks



Hi Alex thanks for posting! On a Professional level account you should still see the same options when dragging out a hotspot. If this is not the case can you please submit a support ticket here and include a screenshot of the options you do see and the document URL so I can take a closer look? Thanks!



How do I link shapes in a diagram to other tabs in the document

Hi Femi

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart community! You can link shapes in a diagram to other tabs/pages using the 'Actions' button. Once you've selected the shape you'd like to link click 'Actions'.

Upon clicking the 'Actions' button a menu will appear next to the selected shape. You can use the drop-down in this menu to select 'Link to Page' and select the page you'd like to link the shape to. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions! 


A related question: 

Is it possible to have the shape linked to a page to show the name of the linked page?  For example: 

Assume that I have a page 1 called MyIndex (what appears in the tab)

I have two more pages called Detail1 and Detail2. 

In MyIndex I draw two shapes a rectangle and a square.   I link the rectangle to Detail1 and the square to Detail2.  Now when I Shift-Ctrl-Click on the rectangle I 'navigate' to the page Detail and if I Shift-Control-Click on the square I navigate to the page Detail2.. 

I would like to have the name "Detail1" shown inside the rectangle in the MyIndex page the name "Detail2" shown inside the square in the MyIndex page. 

Is that possible?  If so how do I do that?

Hi Alex

Thanks for your question! Unfortunately text will not automatically populate in a shape when using actions but you can manually input that text into the rectangles you'd like to show "Detail1" and "Detail2". To do this double click on the shape and begin typing. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

Another Linking question! 

How can I link Text in a object to a URL outside of Lucid. I would like to have a way to link to a confluence page that has step-by-step process documentation from a high level flow in LucidChart.

Hey Alyssa! You can do this using Actions - simply highlight the text you'd like to hyperlink or select the object containing the text as a whole then click on the Actions menu. Under the "Web/Email" option you can add the URL to your Confluence page. 


After adding your URL you can also choose the "Convert to Link Preview" option. This will convert the URL you've added into a stylized shape of its own based on images and text from that webpage. For example a Confluence page might appear as a block similar to this:


This new shape is then clickable and will redirect you to the associated URL. For more information please take a look at our Add an Action or link to a shape in Lucidchart from the Lucidchart Help Center and post any additional questions below!
