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How can I remove/delete uploaded fonts in Lucid?

  • January 31, 2019
  • 9 replies

Rachel W

Is there a way to entirely remove fonts that I have uploaded? 

Best answer by Tate S

Hi Rachel

Thanks for posting in the community! Unfortunately there is not currently a way to do this. If adding the ability to completely remove uploaded fonts would be useful for you please let us know via our feature request form. Suggestions submitted via this form are passed directly to our product development team for their consideration. 

View original

Tate S
  • Lucid support team
  • February 1, 2019

Hi Rachel

Thanks for posting in the community! Unfortunately there is not currently a way to do this. If adding the ability to completely remove uploaded fonts would be useful for you please let us know via our feature request form. Suggestions submitted via this form are passed directly to our product development team for their consideration. 

kurt j
  • February 27, 2019

I uploaded a font and am now unable to remove it from the system. Unfortunately the font is buggedand for some reason is the default for all text on screen.

Abby S
  • Lucid community team
  • February 27, 2019

Hi Kurt

Thanks for reaching out on the Lucidchart community. I'm sorry for the trouble you are having with fonts and am happy to help. Unfortunately as Tate mentioned it is not possible to remove a font once it has been uploaded. If this ability would help you I recommend that you promote it in the feature request form linked above. So far as the default issue goes you can choose your default font for an entire document by following these steps:

  1. Make sure no object or shape is selected
  2. Choose the font you want for the document
  3. The font should apply to the entire document

Hope this helps!

Luke M102

I'm having an issue with one of my uploaded fonts. It's consistently coming up as black boxes. I'd like to delete it and re-install to see if that fixes the issue but that doesn't seem to be an option. Need to print very soon so help would be much appreciated. 

Flavia D
  • Lucid support team
  • December 17, 2020

Hi Luke 

Thanks for continuing this thread! If your font is appearing as black boxes this is most likely related to your browser or network. As a first step could you try opening your document in a private or incognito window? This will clear your cache and cookies and disable any extensions that could be interfering with your account.

Could you also try connecting to a different network? Sometimes account performance issues can be related to internet security/speed. This step will help us eliminate that possibility.

If your text still isn’t appearing as you expect WebGL might be causing an issue with the graphics card on your computer. Can you try toggling WebGL off? This can be done by going to View > Use WebGL and un-selecting this option. 

For those interested in learning more about how to work with text and custom fonts in Lucidchart I'd recommend taking a look at our Work with Text article from the Lucidchart Help Center. 

Hope this helps! 

Jeff B101

I'm running into the same issue. Will this ever be fixed?

Emma D
  • Lucid support team
  • July 19, 2021

Hi Jeff thanks for following up on this thread. Are you referring to removing fonts or is your font appearing as black boxes?

If you are referring to completely removing custom fonts from your font manager- unfortunately this is not currently supported in Lucidchart. Please feel free to submit this as a feature request using our feature request form.  However it is possible to toggle off a custom font from the font manager- meaning that it will no longer appear in the drop-down fonts list in your text options toolbar. Please see the Add and style text in Lucidchart article for more information on this and feel free to let me know if you have any questions. 

Jeff B101

Hi I am referring to both.

I can't see the font I uploaded because it's black boxes. It worked at one point then stopped working.

I can't delete the font.

I tried toggling WebGL and it did nothing. Here's a video of toggling WebGL which demonstrates that the toggle UI does not work in the least. It also does not make the font render properly.


Emma D
  • Lucid support team
  • July 20, 2021

Hi Jeff thanks for clarifying! Are you sure that you originally uploaded the custom font into your account? If you have uploaded a custom font into a document it should work for anyone who you share the document with. However if someone makes a copy or another version of the document and does not also have the custom font uploaded into their account the text will no longer appear correctly. This also applies to versions of the document that have been made into templates.

So if for example this document was originally copied from another document shared with you and you don't have the custom font the original creator used loaded into your account- the text would continue to appear correctly in the original shared document but it would appear as black boxes in the copy. 

