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Embedding only a page/sub-chart from an org chart on a Confluence page

  • April 16, 2020
  • 1 reply

Claire C


I am looking for ways to automate updates to our various Departments' presentation pages as team members join and go. 

Maybe you would have other suggestions but one way I am wondering about is: would there be a way to embed only a page of a Lucidchart document on a Confluence page? What I have in mind is since our Lucidchart org chart is broken down into several pages each page been a sub-chart displaying a Department (or group of) it would be great if the Confluence page that presents that Department could have just that sub-chart embedded there.

Thanks for any suggestions!


Maison W
  • Lucid support team
  • April 16, 2020

Hi Claire thanks for reaching out and I'm happy to help! You can accomplish this through the diagram properties (see below screenshot). You can find the properties by going into edit mode of the Confluence page then select the diagram then select "properties" from the pop up menu. From there you can specify what page you'd like to display (in the "pages" field) and you can also select to enable auto-update. Please make sure that the rich Lucidchart viewer is enabled as well otherwise page selection and auto-update won't function properly.

Please let me know if you have any further questions!
