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I have created a document which contains multiple pages. On each page I have a different diagram (and they are related to the other diagrams on the other pages).


I want to create a powerpoint presentation where I show on slide 1: page 1 of that document on slide 2: page 2 of that document...


I use the powerpoint integration ad-on on both slides; I select the page that I want to have displayed... But once I save the document and I re-open it to present it all slides show the first 'page' of the document... They don't stick to the page that I selected...


What am I doing wrong?



Hi Rutger

Thanks for reaching out on the community! I'm sorry for the confusion and happy to help. You can specify the page(s) you would like the add-on to display on your slide using the Range selector under Pages to display in Embed settings.


I also recommend this Install Lucid add-ins for Microsoft Office article from our help center for full instructions on utilizing this integration. Please let me know if this works for you!

I have exactly the same use case and problem as Rutger L - I have one lucidchart document with several pages each powerpoint page shows another lucidchart page of the lucidchart diagram. If I navigate across powerpoint pages then the lucidchart pages are yet correclty selected but if I close and reopen file then the information is lost and all pages point to the first page. I have fast/good connection with well installed integration and we have the problem on two machines.

I created a document made up of three pages for flows.  I can only view one of the three?

Hi Loretta,

Thanks for continuing this thread. Please refer to Andrew's linked PowerPoint Integration article above for more information on intended functionality and set-up - you should be able to view the page(s) of your choosing! Please let me know if you experience issues setting this up.
