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I've recently obtained a license for Lucid Chart and am attempting to import my first Org Chart from excel but have some data issues which may adversely affect the org chart I build. Below are the potential issues I have if anyone can offer any advice I'd be eternally grateful.

  • To create the chart I need to provide the supervisor ID which I assume should match the employee ID however if I have supervisor positions that are blank how does lucid chart cope with this?

  • Following on from the above as a work around I could run the org chart off position ID's instead as this field will never be blank for the supervisors however this would mean that I would also need to use the position ID as the employee ID also right?

  • then if I use position ID how does lucid chart handle positions with multiple employee's in? I can update duplicate employee position ID's without issue by assigning a letter at the end hopefully but how will lucid chart work if I have multiple employees in the supervisor roles?

If anyone could shed any light on the above it would be a great help.


Hey there

Thank you for posting in the Community! To address the first question I will actually need to start with the other two questions. You can use a Position ID as well as an Employee ID if you wish. The Employee ID would be something unique to your company and that employee while the Position ID would be how Lucidchart would determine the flow of the Org Chart. For example 1 would be the CEO 2-4 would be executives 5-10 would be supervisor and the rest would be employees under those supervisors. It should end up looking something like this: 


If you have that setup you can then use the Position ID to fill in a Supervisor ID. So each employee (aside from the person or people at the top of the chart) would have a Supervisor ID listed as an additional field. You can use the Position ID here to communicate who the supervisor is. If the Supervisor ID is blank there will not be a supervisor listed for this employee within the chart so these employees would be displayed at the top of the chart. Employee ID would be unique and could be displayed if you like or you could use "Role" or "Position" as well. 

Our Lucid Help Desk article concerning Org Charts is a great resource for starting a project like this. 

Apologies for the long winded response but I hope this helps--feel free to comment back if you run into issues! Cheers!

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