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I am trying to change the size of a UI select box in a wireframe. (I need to be able to show multiple select boxes in the "Select Destination" column)

I suspect you have disabled the editing of select boxes so the arrow won't resize. How am I supposed to include a pile of select boxes to show the field mapping?

(Ideally I could just enter a select box automatically within your Table/Data Grid but I seem to be limited to check boxes and radio buttons)

What can I do? I have a 20+ page wireframe document in LucidChart that is getting more and more fiddly to edit. Do I need to abandon and go back to Illustrator?


It is true that you can't resize the select box vertically. You can however put the expanded version of the select box on another layer.  After adding a hotspot that enables the layers to be toggled via a click the expanded menu will appear and disappear on your click. I am not 100% sure if this is what you are after so please let me know if this does not help.

I can't understand how this stiuation continues since 2018. Why don't you have any updates for this?  
