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Hi, my chart is greyed out and I cannot open it to edit or work on. Any ideas please?

Hi @chrisb 


Can you please give a try from a different browser / private window?


Have you tried the basic trouble shooting tips from this help article - Basic troubleshooting – Lucid

Please give a try and keep us posted.


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!

Warm regards

Hi @chrisb, because you responded directly to the email notification, your reply went to the inbox instead of this thread - copying it here so @Humas1985 can continue helping! :) 


Thanks, but I can only open charts from Suggested documents in any browser. My documents list is greyed out.  

Hi @chrisb 

To your point - My documents list is greyed out.  

Is this related to the Company-wide sharing restrictions are a common reason and  these restrictions are implemented by the organization's IT department?



Hi, thanks, all working now


All the best, Chris
