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How to configure the integration?
How to update a chart when refreshing a page in Confluence?
The author of the page does not have the ability to update the chart in the editor.

The diagram and description of the Confluence can be created by different authors.
The diagram is inserted by the author on the Confluence description page once at the time of creation.
The chart is changing in the future but on the Confluence wiki page not changing. We need to display a new chart on the Confluence wiki page automatically for users.

Hi there! Thanks for reaching out in the community. If you take a look at this article it goes over the Confluence Cloud integration with Lucidchart. In your screenshot towards the bottom there is an "Update Diagram" button this is what you will have to click in order for new changes in diagrams to be pushed to your Confluence. There isn't a way for the diagrams to be automatically updated. If this is a feature that you would like to potentially be built out you can promote that idea to our product team through posting in the product feedback section of the community. Thanks for your request!

Similar experience for me.  However in 2021 the LucidChart macro / app has a checkbox for automatic update.  And it appears to have a bug.  Here's how to reproduce it:

  1. in a Confluence [Cloud] page add the lucidChart macro associate your LucidChart diagram
    NOTE: I'm using the canned LucidChart "Azure serverless web app hosting" diagram 

  2. tick the macro's checkbox for automatic updates

  3. publish the page

  4. in LucidChart make an edit to the diagram just published

  5. refresh the Confluence page

Weirdly I could see the new updated diagram briefly (1/4 second) before it reverted to the prior displayed state (as if the diagram rendering was double-buffered and getting shuffled into the wrong buffer).

The only way I found to get the latest diagram to display was to edit the page edit the macro TURN OFF automatic updates then click the update now option publish the page.

It would be nice if automatic update worked.

Hi Jeremy thanks for posting and I'm happy to help! I'm not able to reproduce that issue on my end. It's possible there may be something in your environment causing issues. I saw you submitted a support ticket I'll reach out to you in that thread to request some additional information to look into this further!

Just wanted to add we are seeing the same behavior with our environment. As Jeremy suggested we need to manually force the update. 

Is the update not truely automatic and does it take a bit for it to update or something? 

Hi Josh thanks for posting! If the auto-update check box is checked then yes the inserted diagram should update on it's own shortly. If this is not what you are experiencing on your inserted diagrams can you please submit a support ticket by emailing Then we can take a closer look at what could be going wrong. Thanks!
