I was trying to copy a lucidchart diagram to Word but it either pastes an older version of the diagram or just a blank box. The Lucidchart page shows a "Saving" notification but it does not finish saving for over an hour. If I refresh the lucidchart page the change is lost (not saved). How to fix this issue?
Hi Ankit
Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! I’m sorry for the trouble you are having with Lucidchart’s Microsoft integrations and am happy to help. Just to double-check that everything is properly set up from your side can you please check out our Microsoft Integrations article from the Lucidchart Help Center?
A couple of specific things are worth noting from this article:
- The add-ins are only available for Word Online Word 2013 and 2016 Excel 2013 and 2016 and Power Point 2016. Online versions of Excel and Powerpoint as well as earlier versions of the desktop apps are not compatible with the add-in. If you are using a non-compatible version we would recommend exporting the diagram as an image and then inserting it into your document spreadsheet or presentation.
- The diagram you insert is directly connected to your Lucidchart account. You must be connected to the internet to be able to edit the diagram or insert a diagram.
- If you are experiencing performance issues with the add-in please try connecting to an alternate network.
- Please try uninstalling and reinstalling the add-in (please note that if the add-in has been deployed by your admin you will be unable to uninstall).
I hope this helps! If you continue to experience issues please reply to this post and let me know!
I have the same problem. I have copied and pasted diagrams from lucidchart to powerpoint and microsoft word before. But now when I try doing it only a blank box gets pasted. Can you please help me out. I need this urgently for conducting my online classes
Hi Shalini thanks for continuing this thread! The easiest way to insert Lucidchart diagrams into a Microsoft Word document is using our Microsoft Word add-in. You can learn more about how to install the add-in and insert your diagrams in this article from our Help Center.
If there is a specific part of a diagram you wish to insert I would recommend copying that part to a separate page in your Lucidchart document. After that please try exporting the page as an image and then inserting this image into your Word document. Hope this helps!
I have the same problem and I've read the solutions above. However these solutions are not very usefull because it takes a too long while to copy and paste to Word.
I've been copying and pasting from Lucidapp to Word for some months without any problem but today I begin with this strange behaviour.
For me Lucidapp is useless if I can't copy and paste to Word without using any kind of addin or exporting diagrams as images and so on. It worked before and I just want to know why it is not working anymore.
I tried connecting to other networks as well.
I will not continue with my subscription if I can't work in that way that I was working until today.
Thank you.
Hey Jordi
Thank you for continuing this thread 🥳 Unfortunately although Copy and Paste from Lucid to Word may have worked at times it is not something we formally support. As Leianne stated above the easiest way to insert Lucidchart diagrams into a Microsoft Word document is using our Microsoft Word add-in. You can learn more about how to install the add-in and insert your diagrams in this article from our Help Center.
Hope this helps--sorry for any inconvenience this may cause!
I included Lucidchart as an add-in to word 2016. It still does not copy paste. As mentioned in the conversation - earlier I was able to copy paste since last week I am noticing that I am not able to.
Hey Nirmala
Thank you for keeping this thread going 🥳! Unfortunately Copy/Paste from Lucid to outside products has never been formally supported. It may have worked at times however it is not something we have ever natively featured.
As mentioned above we do recommend utilizing the Microsoft Integration. To use this integration you will select "Insert Diagram" button opens Lucidchart panel. This will insert your diagram as an image just as using Copy/Paste would. Alternatively you can take a screenshot of your page or export as a PDF/PNG and insert the image that way.
Hope this helps--please let me know if you have any other questions. Cheers
This is kind of a big problem for me and I expect that it's going to be a problem for most of your users. The diagrams made in Lucidchart end up in reports and presentations; there really aren't many more purposes for them than that. I understand that the plugin permits inserting charts but it has to be done by whole charts. This means that for every little diagram we make we have to save a new file and this really doesn't cut it. When your program permitted copy and paste it was a great alternative to Visio. Now not so much. I understand that even though this used to work it wasn't something that you natively featured. Would you please natively support copy/paste to outside products? If you can't I'm probably going to have to leave.
Thank you Philipp for your response. It is probably the official answer but it is not a good answer. What you propose is far from being a practical solution among other things for the reasons that Justin explains above. When we use Lucid to create diagrams we create and organize them within Lucid and we copy and paste them into our documents. Your plugin does not even allow us to select tabs and we have to create separate files for each diagram. I use Lucid professionally and I am currently on a project that will likely have dozens of tabs and what you propose is not an option. I really like the tool but without being able to copy & paste into Word it no longer makes sense for me and I will have to look for other options. What I don't understand is that this WORKED and all of a sudden it has STOPPED WORKING. You can't just leave it as it was a few days ago?
We're still trying to undestand WHY it has stopped working. It would be nice to know it.
I have the same issue. It stopped working suddenly 2 days ago. I have to use screen capture to copy & paste. The quality is not very good with that. Please do help fix this issue. I do prefer Lucid than Visio. But I will have to go back to Visio if this could not be solved.
Yesterday in the end I ended up getting a Visio license. I prefer Lucid much more but I NEED to be able to copy and paste anywhere. Besides I have a client who has started managing processes and asked me for a tool and I was going to recommend Lucid but if they can't copy and paste to Word it won't be of any use to them and I ended up recommending Visio (and it was an "enterprise" license that they were going to acquire). What upset me the most was not that the tool stopped working without warning but the response was not "we are fixing it" but "use this alternative which is 10 times longer". I'm pretty upset to be honest. I'm still hoping that someday someone will say "we've fixed it" because I really like Lucid more than Visio but it seems that no one is fixing it.
I totally agree with comments on this forum and plug in with Power point is such a frustrating I couldn't copy a single diagram yet....very slow . If Lucid is not finding easy cut and paste solution then there is no point in paying and having this tool. Its been 30 mins and I couldn't copy a single image on power point.
I will get rid of it as it will be useless if I cant copy and paste it and there is no other easy alternative.
Lucid team should pay serious attention to such customer complains and give back ability to copy and paste ...else I am sure they would lose customers.
I wonder if Lucid team every tried to use these plug ins before rolling out to customers. I doubt looking at such a poor performance of plug ins.
I am almost sure they never did.
What annoys me the most is that it ACTUALLY WORKED. Why to remove a very usefull feature???
Hi everyone
Thank you all for being so patient and taking the time to let us know how important this feature is to you! We made sure to pass all of your valuable thoughts along to our dev team and we’ve just heard back that this issue has been successfully resolved
As a quick note: this functionality does depend on both Lucid and Microsoft to function. With that being said there is no guarantee that something may change in the future that is outside of our control preventing copy and paste from working.
Please continue to reach out in the Community to let us know how we can make Lucid the best is can be for you and your Team. Thanks again—firm handshakes
Frustrated Word user. Same, as mentioned above - I am a paid subscriber, and have always been able to copy and paste PART of a diagram directly in to Word. This is the PRIMARY feature I use (I have exported to PDF or PNG only a few times). Now, I can no longer do this. What the heck am I paying for then? I tried the plug-in - it is useless - I do NOT want to copy an entire diagram, and I do NOT want to save every small illustration separately.
Can I have a meaningful / helpful response to this?
Essentially, as it is now, LucidChart is now useless to me and (1) I will have to use a different application, and (2) would like my money back, since I was charged for an entire year renewal.
URGENT - p[lease respond
Any news about that?
Without being able to copy & paste on Word, Powerpoint, etc. Lucid ist useless. We do need and answer NOW.
As mentioned by my colleague above, this functionality is not formally guaranteed to function since it does depend on both Lucid and Microsoft. There may be something that occurred outside of Lucid’s control that prevents copy and paste from working on your device.
As a workaround, have you tried exporting your document/document portion as a PNG (with transparent background) and adding that to your documents? Alternatively, you can use our Microsoft add-ins to insert your diagram into your document, although I understand that it might not be the most convenient solution if you are interested in inserting a specific part of your diagram. As another alternative, you can take a screenshot of your diagram’s given portion and then insert it in a Microsoft document.
Once again, I am very sorry for the trouble caused. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns!
I can’t understand why it worked some days ago and now it does not work anymore. If there’s something that changed, you should look for it and fix it.
Lucid Chart without beeing able to copy and paste diagrams is useless. I’ve tried to paste on Photoshop or other softwares and it does not work either.
The workaround consisting in saving the image on a file and then open it from Word is useless because something that took 5 seconds is now taking more than 30 and it is something that I’m constantly doing.
We do need a better answer and a solution as soon as possible. It is not a freeware service but a paid one. It has no sense to continue with Lucid in that way.
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