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Create OAuth2 App without Listing to Marketplace

  • 16 August 2024
  • 7 replies


We need to download all documents as images once per month, the code is running on a Virtual Machine with a schedule job that will connect to Lucid App REST API and calling some endpoints


I try to create Client App in Admin Developer portal, the Test Redirect URL does not work when I enter in the browser, I got “Page not Found”. I guess I have not listed my app to the market as required, but in this case. Why do we need that step? My app does not have any logos, images, or url. What should I fill in the form?




Hi @son.pham 

A "Page not Found" error on the Test Redirect URL is often caused by one of two main issues. Firstly, the Test Redirect URL itself may be incorrect or inaccessible, so it's essential to verify that the URL points to a valid endpoint capable of handling OAuth2 callbacks and that your server or VM is configured to serve this URL.

Secondly, for internal apps, ensure you have completed the necessary setup steps, including providing basic app details like name and description, setting up the correct redirect URI, and specifying the required OAuth scopes.


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

Hi @son.pham, thanks for posting!

To add to @Humas1985’s reply- it’s worth mentioning that if you only want to distribute your app to select Lucid users, you might want to consider adding them to the app as a collaborator with the Tester role as an alternative to publishing. 

Hi @Emma D @Humas1985 


I followed the instruction to create OAuth 2.0 app, I have ClientID, and Client Secret. I added Redirect URL for Test redirect URL.{my client id here}/redirect

Paste that URL into the browser on my local computer and got “Page not Found”. I have not tried it on my server because if it does not work on my local computer then it should be the same on other computers unless I have to specify Server IP somewhere in Lucid setting but we dont have that option as far as I know.


For Collaborators, I only added myself with Role Owner. Is this ok or I have to add another person along side with me to be able to use OAuth2??




Hello son.pham,

I think I may have a better solution for you releasing any day now.  We are in the final steps of releasing API Key support which would be perfect for a scenario where a chronjob repeats a task periodically.  Once that is formally release, I’ll respond here with a link to guide on how to get them set up.

With API Keys, you will not need to go through the OAuth2 authentication or refresh flows.

Will be in touch soon.

API Keys are now available. This guide will walk you through how to use them. Let us know if they fail to resolve your issues with authentication.

I can confirm this API Keys works. We can close the ticket

Thanks for the help.

Fantastic. If you do need to switch to OAuth2 in the future and continue to have issues, please let us know.
