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Agile retrospectives webinar: Follow-up questions and resources

  • 15 August 2024
  • 2 replies

Thank you for joining us for our webinar, “The art of facilitating Agile retrospectives.”  (If you didn’t have the chance to join, we’ll be adding the recording to this page soon, so look out for it!)

We had so many amazing questions during this webinar that we did not get to, so we wanted to give attendees the chance to continue the conversation and learn from each other, plus get some further insight from our Lucid evangelists.

What further questions do you have related to facilitating effective retrospectives?


⭐️ Bonus: Lucid offers a bunch of retrospective templates to help you get started with your next event (or try a new style!):

thanks for sharing @shannon . Sorry I missed the webinar, looking forward to the recording. 

