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I saw a magnet icon on swimlanes and other containers in Lucidchart. What does it do?

The magnet button is a feature for swimlanes and other container-like shapes. When the magnet button is clicked it means that any content inside that object will move with the object. This is most notable with the swimlane shape. 


Is the magnet feature available on other shapes? Curious if there was an update.

Thank you

Hi Jen

Thanks for posting! Container objects have the magnetize feature. This includes the swimlane object as well as objects in the container library. If you would like to see the magnetize function added to other shapes, we’d love to hear more details about your use case or what you’d like to see in this experience posted in the Product Feedback section of the community - from here, other users can upvote it and add details of their own. For more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post.
