similar to a master-page, is it possible to REFERENCE another diagram into the current page … possibly more than 1 at a time. I attempted this with a master-page to no avail, beyond the first.
The use-case:
- create a new page from a template that has a master-page with a border and title-block
- create a new page with an architecture framework that will be used that will be referenced by all architecture diagrams for consistency
- create a page, reference the titleblock master page for the border, etc.
- then reference the architecture framework page as background for teh new diagram
- draw the new diagram
i attempted this by creating 2 master-page, and attempting to reference them both in the 3rd page. the latter replaced the former.
in CAD we often reference other models (components) into the current (like an assembly) that maintains live referential image for any updates or changes in the models (components) and thus provides visual impact in the overall assembly. Similiar with PCB and electrical components in electronic design.