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Trouble with Google sheets and Lucid Cards

  • 11 May 2024
  • 7 replies



Im importing rows from a google sheet into lucid (ideally into a team space) so I can create a visual timeline for the work.

  • If something is updated on google sheets will it be reflected on the lucid card automatially? And vice versa?
  • Sometimes the cards populate with the information but not always, is there a way to ensure the consistency?
  • When the cards import properly, and I add them to a timeline they are cleared of the information, can I please have some guidance?





Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi @chloe.miller

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! Google sheet Lucid cards are bi-directionally synced. Changes made in Lucidspark will be reflected in Google Sheets and vice versa. Can you provide a screenshot of one of the cards that import incorrectly? 

Could you try opening your board in a private or incognito window to see if the import and timeline issue persist? Could you also try connecting to a different network or disconnecting from your VPN (if applicable)? Sometimes account performance issues can be related to internet security/speed or browser issues. These steps will help us eliminate that possibility. For help with opening an incognito window, please see this community post (in English).

If those don’t resolve the problem, can you please send the following information so I can take a closer look?

  • A screenshot of the associated Javascript Console output after reproducing the issue. You can open your Javascript Console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J (if your computer is a Windows/Linux) OR Cmd+Opt+J (if your computer is a Mac).
Badge +1

Hi there,

As an update the cards are syncing however there are no card details appearing, and it doesn’t seem that I can edit the features even thought I can see the words from the gsheet cell pulling into the lucid card. Any advice?

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi @chloe.miller

Thank you for the reply. I am glad to hear the cards are syncing. Can you send a screenshot of the card experiencing the display issue so I can take a closer look? 

Can you also send a screenshot of the associated Javascript Console output after reproducing the issue. You can open your Javascript Console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J (if your computer is a Windows/Linux) OR Cmd+Opt+J (if your computer is a Mac).

Badge +1

Heres a screenshot! 



Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi @chloe.miller 

Can you also send a screenshot of the associated Javascript Console output after reproducing the issue? You can open your Javascript Console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J (if your computer is a Windows/Linux) OR Cmd+Opt+J (if your computer is a Mac).

Badge +1

Ive fixed it! thank you

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi @chloe.miller 

I’m glad you were able to resolve the issue! Please let me know if you need assistance with anything else.
