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I cannot believe it but nowhere is there a simple explanation for how to rotate shapes. Often Lucidchart freezes up because it's trying to automatically rotate a shape (when I didn't request it) and I can't figure out how to turn that off.

When I want to rotate  a shape the icon is nowhere to be found.


Also I want to create a thick curvy line between shapes but I am limited to 10pt. Is there a way to make it thicker?

Hi Kimberly 

Thanks for posting in our Community! 

To answer your first question, in order to rotate shapes you'll want to go up to the Shape Options tab on the top toolbar. From there you will be able to rotate a shape.

In terms of your second question, unfortunately shape line thickness is limited to 10pt. 


Lucid Manager how do I rotate an object?  In this case it is a winding arrow that I want to point up instead of down.  The Shape Option rotation is greyed out.

Hi @brian101 thanks for continuing this thread! I responded to the support ticket you submitted but I'll also share the response here incase anyone else has a similar question.

It's not currently possible to rotate lines using the shape options. However you can adjust the arrow heads of a line. In this case please click and select the winding arrow then adjust the arrow heads as shown in the screenshot below. This should help adjust it to point up instead of down.

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For more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. I hope this helps! 
