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I cannot believe I am the first person to ask for this.  

It is a frequent need to convert rough PowerPoint flowchart drawings into LucidChart to get them into a collaborative format outside of Microsoft.   

I don't always have Visio or other tools installed in client computers and I need to go directly from a PPT file to LucidChart.  

PPT graphics can be saved in a variety of graphical formats so why don't you have a drag-and-drop converter for PPT graphics to LucidChart? 

At a minimum I need to get the shapes and the text inside.  If the arrows between shapes are not always connected -- as Frequently happens in older PPT files -- that is OKAY.   

Just get the shapes converted to their closest FLOWCHART equivalent and extract and include the text that is inside or co-located within the canvas boundaries of the shape.  

Why isn't this already done?   Perhaps it is but your Help Search engine didn't find a link to the converter.  It is not on the Lucidchart menu anywhere obvious.  

Come'on guys get this done.  PPT to LucidChart is a huge and frequent need when trying to bring organizations into the LucidChart world.  Visio is an skill-expensive and license-expensive route for organizations to be required to take.  

Thank you.

Rich Lysakowski

Hi Rich

Thanks for posting on the community and for providing such a detailed explanation of this feature and what the use case for it would be. As you mentioned this unfortunately isn't currently possible in Lucidchart. However we're always looking for ways to improve our product and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. To promote this idea to our product development team please add it to our feature request form. Thank you for your request and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

There would have to be lots of other whole businesses out there that are converting their Microsoft documents to Google, and who no longer have the embedded Visio source file for updating purposes. LucidChart. There is a way to extract the flowcharts to a png image. I believe you would find many happy existing and new customers if LucidChart could add the functionality to read the pngs.

Thanks for following up on this thread! Unfortunately, this still is not currently supported in Lucid, but we’re very interested in your feedback and committed to continually improving our products. If you’re willing to share, we’d love to hear more details about your use case or what you’d like to see in this experience within this thread. I’ve also converted this post to an idea so that it’s visible to others within the Product Feedback section of the community - from here, they can upvote it and add details of their own.

Finally, for more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post: 
