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Is there any way to have shapes that auto-increment their labels?

For example a triangle or square that increments its label counting up as you use the shape.

SnagIT has this and it's super helpful when counting a large number of objects - such as electrical outlets data drops cameras door access controls etc.

Nice features are the ability to reset the number/letter and choose a scheme: numbers letters mixed format string decimal places etc.


Hey JP unfortunately what auto-incrementing shape labels is not currently supported in Lucidchart. However we're always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Would you mind adding your idea to our product feedback space? Ideas discussed in this forum are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

As a growing company we take our feature requests very seriously. We are continuously looking for how we can make our product more useful and effective for our users and we pass that information directly to our product development team. Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.


Good news! There is now a way to Auto-number the process boxes in a flowchart. For more information on how to do this check out our Auto-Number your Flowchart Community post.01HB9WN85VBRJVN1MA9JW8BE6J.png


Leah - 


Much appreciate the update!

But dang - that is one ugly/complicated way to auto-increment. Unfortunately I need this for general shapes rather than flow charts.

I'm constantly adding series of things (network drops phones video cameras) and it would be incredibly useful to be able to:

- Auto increment a label

- Count the instances of a given shape type/color combo per layer


Thanks for providing your feedback! Unfortunately auto-incrementing general shapes is not currently supported in Lucidchart. However we are always looking for ways to improve. If you would like to share any further use cases or provide clarifying details on how auto-incrementing general shapes would work by commenting below it would be greatly appreciated.
