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I am completely confused.  I am trialling Lucid Chart having moved the company to Macs and discovered Visio doesn't exist. But I can't work out where LucidChart saves files!   Does it only work over the web?  Much of our lives are spent in Africa or on aeroplanes - or even in an office in the UK where the internet is very flakey.

Could you tell me please where the files are how I back them up and where I should have looked to find this information.  

Hi Mike thanks for reaching out. Lucidchart is a cloud based software so everything from working on document to storage is done via cloud services. You can download your documents as PDF PNG JPEG or VDX files however you won't be able to edit them unless you're connected to the internet. 

We have an Chrome offline app that can be used to work on documents offline:

Here is a good community post with some Visio import tips!

OK - thanks for the prompt reply!

That isn't obvious (to me at least) at any stage in the process of setting up a trial - it would be really nice to explain that somewhere - I thought I was getting software not a service.

Since posting my comment I found the Chrome app but having tried to download it - a) it seems to hang on "downloading your files" then b) when I closed the window and re-opened it I couldn't even find the app anywhere.

If I close my browser then how do I find my work again??
