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I’m pulling data from a spreadsheet in to containers.  I’d like the containers to show the cell data and formatting.  How can I carry the spreadsheet formatting into the containers.  At this point I’m specifically interested in text colours.

Hey @MWight -- thanks for posting! This is not something we natively support, however, you could try a couple things. The first idea that comes to mind is setting one of your container cells as the default style shape. This will apply across your smart container to all other cells. 

The next idea I have is utilizing conditional formatting. This would allow you to utilize the data to format the text in whatever way you’d like dependent on the data. 

Hope this helps!

Neither of these work. 

I see nothing in smart containers that address text formatting.

Conditional formatting doesn’t allow you to test the format of the source text nor does it allow you to set the format of the text in the shape.

Hey @MWight -- thank you for the response! So, to format the text in your Smart Containers, you can adjust it like with any other text. You can highlight or select the cell you’d like to format and adjust the text in the toolbar in the top. From there, you can set that cell as the default format and it will adjust all the other cells to match. 

If this doesn’t work, happy to help with a different solution. Would you mind to send me a bit more info on what exactly you’re trying to accomplish?

Thanks so much for all your help and patience!

I have a spreadsheet with textual data. The text is colour coded.  Some is red, some black, some orange and so on.  I want this formatting to show up in my containers automatically.  When I import the data, I see the colours, in the data linking pane.  But the formatting does not transfer to the container.  I want to find a way to automatically (i.e. error free and quickly) match the container text colours to the original spreadsheet text colours.



Hey @MWight -- thanks for the reply! Unfortunately, pulling in the text formatting from the dataset is not something that is supported in Lucidchart. However, I love this idea and think it’s something our Dev Team would be interested in looking into. Would you mind posting your idea in our Product Feedback channel to get their eyes on this? 

In the meantime, the text can be formatted manually using the steps I’ve outlined above. I understand that this makes the task more tedious, however, this would be the best solution at this time. 

I hope this helps -- please let us know if you have any other questions! 
