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Help friends!   I cannot find the correct chart here on Lucid which matches the requirements found on Wikipedia for “Structure Chart” (NOTE THE MEANINGFUL ARROWS).

Structure chart - Wikipedia

Is it possibly named something else?

Hi @MrBud

Thanks for your post! While we don’t have a functionality or shape library specific to “Structure charts,” you can use Lucidchart to build something similar to what’s shown on that Wikipedia page. A golden tip is to leverage a ready-made template to get started. The “Breakdown structure” template, for example, could be a great starting point.



From there, you can customize the diagram to get it closer to what you have in mind. Some ideas:

  • Change the curved connecting lines shapes to a straight style:
  • Apply other endpoints to lines to create the meaningful arrows you mentioned in your message: 


You can learn more about how to add lines to your diagram and modify line endpoints in our Add and style lines in Lucidchart Help Center article!

You can also search for other templates in the template section of your Lucid account. To do that, select  “Templates” from the docs list navigation bar > browse the template gallery by selecting categories or searching by keywords (e.g., structure, hierarchy...)




  • If you have trouble finding other relevant templates, you can take a look at our Lucidchart Template Gallery to go through the different types that are available.
  • If you experience any issues working with our templates, please review our Work with Templates article from the Lucid Help Center.

I hope this helps you get started with your diagram! 


Thanks so much for the reply!

I would highly suggest (since it so easy to make) that Lucid makes this a template as it is used in my student’s college courses by textbooks referencing such a chart. After all, the more people coming to your site in search of a solution, the more business you can generate.  Less alone the traffic you can receive if you include an example graphic and a resource/reference at the Wikipedia article which leads to your products.   Low hanging fruit ripe for the picking.  🍎 

Text book:


Good luck,

Mr. Bud

Hi @MrBud

Thanks for your suggestion! We’re very interested in your feedback and ideas, and committed to continually improving our products and templates offering. Would you be willing to share your template idea in the Product Feedback section of the Community so others users can upvote it and help promote it to our product development team? Here are the steps: 

  1. Please search the Product Feedback section of this community (with the filter Topic Type = Idea) to see if your idea has already been submitted.
  2. If another Lucid user has suggested this already: Please add any additional details you’d like and upvote the request– this consolidation helps to refine feedback and properly capture the popularity of the request.
  3. If no one has submitted this idea yet: Please create one of your own and be sure to include details about your use case or what you’d like to see in this experience. This will also allow other users with similar requests to discover and upvote it, then add details of their own. 🙌

💡The more Lucid users support an idea, the more likely it’s to be implemented! 💡

Finally, for more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post:

