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¿Is it possible to 'turn-off' the default selection mode? I'm having serious trouble with it. 


Let me explain:

- You need to select a group of objects. 

- You go and do it with your mouse creating a selection area with the pointer. 

- As a result you end up selecting other objects that were not included in your selection area. 

- Then you have to spend lots of time 'deselecting' the objects that does not apply to your original idea. 


¿What can we do as users to prevent such an annoying situation?


Hope you can help. Thanks in advance. 


Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, this feature can't be turned off. However we're always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Would you mind adding your idea to the Product Feedback space of this community? Ideas shared here are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

In the meantime, could you send a screenshare or a gif of the issue? This will help me understand the issue further.

Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.


I have a similar problem.  I want to move all of my objects in a swimlane diagram down just a bit.  But when I select only the objects in the flow diagram it also selects the swimlanes.  It is stressing me out.

There is a document in communities that talks about how to fix that by searching: "Select and Move Objects independently of Swim Lanes".  But I cannot access it.  Even after verifying my email.  Says I am not authorized.  Ugh.

Hi Paul

Thanks for reaching out to the Lucidchart community and I'm sorry for the trouble you are having with shape selection.

These are the steps I would recommend following to select the shapes inside your swimlane without moving the swimlane too:

  1. Select your swimlane and lock it


  1. Select the shapes that you would like to move and move them. Note that the swimlane will not move with the rest of the shapes because it is now locked.
  2. Unlock the swimlane so that you can continue editing it if desired.

Hope this helps!

I agree. The current selection method is too eager. I want select to only the objects fully contained in the selection box. I understand the trick with locking the objects you don't want to select. 

Hi Mike thanks for following up on this thread. Another way around this is to hold Ctrl/Cmd and select the shapes you need to move one by one. A box will form around the selected shapes and you might see some shapes you didn't select in that box-- but if you click and drag one of the shapes only those shapes you selected will move. Please see the GIF below for an example and feel free to let me know if you have any questions about this. 
