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Sorry for asking such a basic question.

Is there a way to set a "favorite settings" such that every workspace I open with starts with my preferred settings such as curved lines landscape mode with a specific X by Y size and preferred shape libraries?


Hi John thanks for the post! While there is not a way to make default settings for each new document I think you'll find Creating A Custom Template useful. Doing so will allow you to create new documents with the settings you're looking for. Let me know if you you have any questions about this! 

Thank you Megan - I appreciate the response!

Hello I just wanted to check if there was an update on this answer. Is it possible to save global settings across an account?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Patricia thanks for continuing this thread! Currently document settings that can be applied globally to all new documents can be found under Account Settings on the Document Settings tab. Some of these options include canvas orientation zoom level line behavior and grid visibility. 


For settings apart from what is present here Megan's workaround above of creating a custom template with those preferences is the best option. However I certainly understand how more options in this area or the ability to apply any setting globally would be efficient for your workflow! Would you mind sharing your idea in our Product Feedback section? Ideas submitted here are passed along to our development team for their consideration when prioritizing improvements to Lucidchart. Thanks for your request and apologies for any inconvenience. 
