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I am trying to make a custom shape similar to the AWS container ones where there is a fixed width and height icon in  the top left corner and a border. When these shapes are scaled the icon stays anchored to the top right and stays the same size. 



Can’t for the life of me find the setting in the interface to allow me to do this with my own custom shape. so a container rectangle and an icon grouped. 



Thanks Ed



Hi Edward thanks for posting! Since the AWS container shapes are specifically designed with that functionality it's difficult to recreate it manually. But the closest method of doing this would be to grab a container rectangle put your icon in the top left corner select the icon individually select the lock button on the top toolbar and then select only the "style" checkbox. This will stop the icon from resizing if you make the container larger. Unfortunately locking the icon will also prevent you from being able to group the two shapes so if you end up needing to move the container somewhere else on the canvas be sure to select both the icon and the container and drag them together. For further details on formatting shapes please take a look at our Add and Customize Shapes article Help Center article.

Hope this helps! Please let me know if this doesn't answer your question or if I misunderstood what you are trying to accomplish.


FWIW I'd like to be able to do the same so I could create container shapes that could be included in a custom shape library template etc

Hi Joel

Thanks for continuing this thread. Would you mind adding your idea to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

Thanks for your request!


Is it not possible to give us access to the tools however rough used to create the AWS container shapes?

Hi Mason

Thanks for continuing this thread. Unfortunately since this feature is not available in our product yet we are unable to give access. Please fill out the feature request form linked above to put this feature on our development team's roadmap. Thanks!
