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I am currently experiencing an issue with using LUCID within Canvas LMS. It seems that the keyboard shortcuts do not function properly when accessed via the iFrame in Canvas. Could you please assist in resolving this matter?

I am experiencing an issue with the Pan control in LUCID when accessed through the Canvas LMS iFrame. To activate the Pan control, I currently need to use the menu and click with the mouse. However, I noticed that pressing the "V" key activates the Select control without any issues.

Hi @GarthyGarth, thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! To confirm, you are attempting to the pan the document through Canvas by holding the space bar and then click + drag your mouse to pan around the page, is that correct? Can you provide additional details about what you are experiencing when attempt to use this command? I appreciate your help and patience!

Thanks that worked, using the space


But how do I know the short cut keys when working in canvas as the menu show different keys and these work if directly on the website



@GarthyGarth, I’m glad that worked! I apologize for the confusion on my end, as I thought you were using Lucidchart, rather than Lucidspark. After taking a closer look on my end, the Pan tool is not available in the Canvas editor. However, you should be able to use your mouse/trackpad to pan the screen and adjust zoom the level in this editor.

We’re very interested in your feedback and committed to continually improving our products. If you would like to see this feature available in the Canvas editor, please first search the Product Feedback section of this community (with the filter Topic Type = Idea) to see if it’s already been submitted as an idea. If so, please add any additional details you’d like and upvote the request - this consolidation helps to refine feedback and properly capture the popularity of the request.

If no one has submitted this idea yet, please create one of your own and be sure to include details about your use case or what you’d like to see in this experience. This will also allow other users with similar requests to discover and upvote it, then add details of their own.

Finally, for more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post:

