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When creating an org chart the same problem occurs which is adding a new employee or direct employee it messes up the line structure. Also I am not able to add a dotted line manually around a certain department to differentiate from the rest or to show certain employees are secondary direct reports. At the same time every direct report becomes part of only one tier which it isn't how I would like my org chart to look. Are there any possibilities of adding tiers for a more organized structure/format? I have to draw a line and move the employee box to where I would like them to be placed but it continues to wrap the lines every time. 

Are there any solutions available for these issues? Thank you. 


Hi Jasmine

Thanks for posting on the community. Org charts have a predefined structure and it isn't currently possible to customize that structure (outside the options in the right-hand panel). So there isn't an automatic or supported way to separate one manager's direct reports into multiple tiers. If this is a feature that would be useful to you please promote it to our product development team by posting it in ourĀ product feedback space.

I'd like to take a closer look at the lines issue. I have moved this community post into a ticket please respond there with the URL of your document so that I can get a better understanding of what might be causing your lines to behave this way.


Hi Jasmine thanks for getting back to us. To protect your privacy I've removed the link to your document from this public thread. Please respond to the separate ticket Abby started for you and our support team with that same URL and we'll continue looking into what you're experiencing there. Thanks!
