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When I add an event shape, it does not allow me to quickly add a flow line to another shape like it does with activity shapes. I have to create a line and then copy it and move it to position. Is there a fix for this?

Hey @katwesty -- thanks for posting! I do not have the same experience when using these shapes -- would you mind to provide a screenshot of what you are seeing on your end so I can have a closer look?

No little blue circles appear when I add an event shape, so I have to add an activity shape, create a line and copy it and move it to connect them.


Step 2, added an activity shape which then appears with little blue circles I can click to add a connecting shape: 

I then have to connect it backwards and reverse the arrow: 

I am able to add an event shape from an activity but cannot connect an event shape to another activity as the little blue circles just don’t appear for any event shape for me.

Hey @katwesty -- thanks for the reply and screenshots! This is interesting; would you mind to check if this is happening in all your documents or just this one? Could you also try to open this document in an incognito window to determine if this helps mitigate the issue? 

Thanks so much for your help so far!

Interestingly, the problem seems to only be with this document which I started by duplicating another process map. I just tried this again by duplicating another document and the same issue has occurred - event shapes have no connections available on the duplicated document. I will try incognito mode later (can’t recall my google password right now). However, I do think it’s the duplication that’s creating the problem.

Hey @katwesty -- thanks for the response and context! Would you mind to clarify how you are duplicating the board as well as what you are duplicating? Is this a template or a board you have created in the past that you’re iterating on? Furthermore, would you mind to copy and paste into a new document rather than duplicating to determine if this mitigates the issue? 

Thank you so much for your help and patience here!

So having played a bit more, it turns out it’s nothing to do with me duplicating the document (I do that as I created my own template doc that’s all). So it seems it’s actually related to the page zoom. If I have the page zoom on 50% the connector links disappear(the little blue circles). It’s fine if I go to the next setting which is 67%, and I can manually changed it to 55% and that was fine too, so I’ll just have to make sure I don’t toggle it to 50% when working on it (which isn’t ideal when it’s a large diagram).


Hey @katwesty -- aha, I see! Yes, this is typical for all shapes and diagrams and depends on the relative size of the shape to the zoom. For example, if you increase the size of the event circle, the line links should be visible. This is an intuitive part of Lucidchart, however, I do see how this could cause some issues when working with larger diagrams. If this is something that continues to be a pain point for you, I would recommend posting this in our Product Feedback channel so it gets in front of our Dev Team. We take your feedback seriously and always want to do our best to make sure we provide the best user experience possible! 

Again, thanks so much for posting and taking the time to explore this issue with us! 😎
