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Hi there,

I’ve been through Miro’s training lab for migration of Miro boards to Lucid Spark - With some success.

However, our organisation has members who have a huge amount of Miro boards of varying sizes, and I’m hoping there is a way to migrate multiple Miro boards at once. I know this is unlikely, but it’s worth an ask!


Has anyone discovered a way to mass migrate a large number of Miro boards to Lucid Spark?

Is this something that Lucid can support? (Lucid’s support seems to be community driven rather than something you contact Lucid directly for)

Hi James, thanks for posting! Our board import feature supports importing multiple PDF files at once. You can simply select multiple PDFs from the file picker after clicking ‘Choose files’ in the import window.
Another option is to use our REST APIs to achieve this programmatically - specifically, the Import Document endpoint. You can ready more about that in this section of our Developer Docs- and feel free to post in the Lucid for Developers community space with any questions about this.
Finally, we also offer direct migration guidance and assistance for a fee through our Professional Services Team. If that is of interest to you, please let me know so I can connect you with them. Hope this helps!
