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I’m really liking the Lucidspark Timeline.
Love the agility of being able to drop cards in there and moving them around.
Also being able to select date ranges, and adding milestone.

And before putting in an Idea or feature request I want to make sure i’m not missing how to do certain things that I’m having trouble with.

Is there no dynamic resizing of LucidSpark timelines? I can currently drag/resize horizontally….but not vertically or diagonally. 
Ideal is a dynamic scale resizing when you drag a corner diagonally.

Also - are we not able to edit the size of the Fonts for either the Timeline Dates or entered Milestones?
I know for Milestones I can change Font color and Bold/Unbold….I wish I could size the fonts.

I really like including Timelines however end up fighting scaling/sizing issues due to the size of the rest of the shapes i have built out (which are resizable) but Timelines appear to be locked in size.


Thanks for posting in the Community!

Unfortunately, at this time, it is not possible to adjust the vertical size of a timeline or the font size and color on Lucidspark timeline templates. I completely understand why you would like to have this capability and recommend that you post your feedback in our new community. For more information on how to share your idea with the community, please review our 'Feedback and Feature Request community article.

We are continually exploring ways to enhance our products, and your input is the most effective means to achieve that goal. We greatly appreciate your feedback.
