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Hi there

I'm wondering whether it is possible to use a set of lucid cards and sort them into both a dynamic matrix and a timeline and keep the original lucid cards as the host cards i.e. feed the data from the same lucid cards? When I sort cards into a dynamic matrix and lasso select the cards within the matrix to create a timeline it seems I am duplicating the cards. Any changes made to the cards in the timeline does not update the same card in the dynamic matrix and vice versa. Is there a way of linking the cards so there are the host cards which you can link documents to etc add tags change status description which would update them in a dynamic matrix and the timeline?

This would be a useful feature for project management tracking as it valuable to see the timeline in one viewpoint and have another viewpoint of the same projects/cards in a dynamic matrix filtering on tags assignees and status. It seems that you can't add external links to the the cards in the timeline hence why it would be useful to have host cards pulling through to the 'same' cards in the timeline and dynamic matrix. It would also be useful to have a set of host cards and create a number of timelines from those host cards based on certain assignees/teams etc. 

Thank you

Hello thanks for posting in the community!

Unfortunately what you are trying to do is not currently supported in Lucidspark. However we're always looking for ways to improve Lucidspark and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Would you mind adding your use case to our product feedback space? Ideas discussed in this spaceĀ are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.
