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I have a large process flow running over multiple pages. While viewing in LucidChart its fine but when I download it in PDF its gets broken in 60 different pages which makes it almost impossible to view or print. Can we get the entire process flow download in a single page in PDF? 

Omnigraffle offers this functionality of entire map in one single page of PDF which makes the view so much easier. Is it possible to get this in LucidChart too? 

Having the same issue exporting maps to PDF would be great to have it in a single page.


Facing the same issue. Would be great to have the above.

Hi Preeti Fabricio and Konark! Thanks for reaching out and posting in the Community. The trick to getting the PDF to fit all on one page is our Fit to page tool under Documents Settings. 

This Community post describes the process in greater detail. Does that make sense? I'm happy to discuss this further as you have questions!

I use this trick a lot but it'd be awesome if we didn't have to use the trick and could just tell it to give me a on page PDF when generating a PDF. Kinda like it generates a PNG.

It would be incredibly helpful if we could publish a full canvas PDF like when printing but without having to use the fit tool. For an auto-tiling diagram that spans 12 letter sized pages or even an infinite canvas diagram if I go to print I can select full canvas and get a single paged PDF that shows all of the content. Could we please get a way to do this for publishing? Currently the Single page PNG option will do this but if you select PDF it will break the diagram up into pages. We need a way to disable the pagination for publishing a PDF. 


Hi Austin thanks for following up on this thread! Unfortunately without using the "Fit to Page" feature there is not currently a way to include large diagrams on a single paged PDF. If this is a feature you would be interested in having implemented please add your idea to our Product Feedback section  Ideas submitted here are passed on directly to our Product Development team and can help shape future roadmaps. Thanks for your feedback!
