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Our company has been struggling with a few things in Lucid. Firstly, we want to be able to save our documents to Box. Box is a content cloud where you can save all types of files. When you open them in Box, it automatically opens in the platform the document is being used in ex: Excel, adobe illustrator etc… Every time you edit the document it automatically saves your changes to the file in Box as well. We want to do this with Lucid chart documents so that we don’t get our Lucid chart documents page filled with hundreds of clients sales process maps that we are creating. Instead, we could delete them in Lucid, but save them in Box and be able to edit them at any time.

Is this possible? I understand that we can attach Box embedded links in a lucid document but that is not what we are wanting to do.


Also- we are trying to find a professional in Lucid charts that can create a new template using features that are used in other templates. We have tried using using people that we found on Fiverr but no one seems to be able to do what we are requesting. Is there anyone we can hire that knows Lucid extremely well and can create new template with the specific features we would like? 

Hi @Retirement Solutions, thanks for posting in the Lucid community! 

Unfortunately, this isn’t currently supported in Lucid, but we’re very interested in your feedback and committed to continually improving our products. Please first search the Product Feedback section (with the filter Topic Type = Idea) of this community to see if this idea has already been submitted. If so, please add any additional details you’d like and upvote the request - this consolidation helps to refine feedback and properly capture the popularity of the request.

If no one has submitted this idea yet, please create one of your own and be sure to include details about your use case or what you’d like to see in this experience. This will also allow other users with similar requests to discover and upvote it, then details of their own.

Finally, for more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post:

I have converted your request to a ticket to address your second question! Our team can send you to the right place to receive more information on professional services.

@Retirement Solutions - it’s great to meet you! While Addie’s response is true re: integrating w/ Box, Lucid has a Professional Services team that could help you with custom template development and more.  To start discussing this, we’d love to bridge a conversation between you and your account executive. We’ve passed this over and will reach out shortly with more information.
