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Can’t seem to find in the gallery these Lucid-made templates for my ppc process

Hi @callumsmith1, thanks for posting in the community! Would you mind confirming if you’re looking for all the templates shared in that blog post, or a specific one? This will help point me in the right direction :)

In the meantime, you may find this template helpful as a starting point to document your process. 

I hope this helps. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!

The top 2: Campaign and Keyword Structure and the bottom 2 if possible. 


Thanks for getting back to me! 



Thanks for confirming that, @callumsmith1! I’m checking with our templates team to confirm if the templates in the blog post are available. I will update this thread as soon as I have more information. 

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions in the meantime!

Thank you I appreciate it!

Hi @callumsmith1, I’ve heard back from our templates team and they confirmed that the templates from the blog post are not available in our template gallery. It is likely the examples were custom made documents specifically for the blog. 

However, the team has noted your interest and have logged your request for these templates! 

In the meantime, I would recommend using shapes from our Tables shape library to replicate the two Campaign and Keyword Structure templates. 

For the two process maps, we have a number of different flow and process map templates which can help as a starting point! This Help Center article also has some information about Swim Lanes in Lucidchart. 

I would also encourage you to create an Idea post in the Product Feedback section of the community. Ideas shared there will be shared with our product development team for consideration and also allow users to upvote. 

Thank you for your request and feel free to let us know if you have any questions! 

Hey @callumsmith1, I’m the one who originally made those images and they’ve been lost to history. Impressed you found my blog article from 6+ years ago 😂

I actually didn’t use table shapes to create some of these templates, I created my own using grouped shapes (more on that here). Like I said, I don’t have the originals anymore but I did whip up this version pretty quickly that should help you create your own version pretty easily. This is a view-only link but you should be able to make a copy of the doc and edit it. Hope that helps!


The best! Thank you!!!
