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I've read the Help Center "Add and style lines in Lucidchart" tutorial which refers to the little blue squares as blue boxes and the instruction of how to change the shape of a line by dragging them.  I remember after just starting with Lucidchart a couple of days ago briefly seeing an option to 'Remove Joint" or similar wording when clicking or mousing around the little square. 

Sometimes my lines look like right-angled spaghetti and it would help to be able to remove these little squares or 'joints'.  I cannot find that option again and am beginning to doubt my memory! 

Is there some way to control the amount of joints or squares on a line or whatever these features are?  Thank you.

Hi Tony 

Thanks for posting! Hm I am not aware of the option you are referring to - as far as I know it is not possible to remove the joints from your lines. I apologize for the inconvenience!

We are always looking for feedback from users to improve our product. Could you please submit your suggestion to our product feedback space

That said I would love to see what you are working with and potentially offer further suggestions about how to improve your document lines. If possible could you post a screenshot of the "right-angled spaghetti" that you are experiencing? 


Thanks Annika maybe the 'remove joints' was in a different programme I was trying.  No matter I'm sticking with Lucidchart for now.  As you'll see I was trying to keep it under the 60 object free limit for now.  So the text boxes contain text that used to be in separate boxes.  Then I also found that text built into a line saved adding to the object count. 

I seem to have the drawing tidy now especially since finding the rounded bends on the right angle's.  Have a play with shifting the joint between the 2 valves at the lower left.  When the joint of the vertical and horizontal pipes is moved the bottom joint of the vertical blue pipe over to the mid-right moves sideways.  The top of the pipe seems to stay put in the large tank.  The valves don't move so why is the bottom part of the right hand vertical blue pipe moving when the pipe joint between the valves is moving?

The easiest thing to do is give you the link to the drawing - a simple plumbing arrangement:  It would be helpful if the Shareable Link had an option of only allowing Support Managers to edit it.  So I've made a copy in case the original gets wrecked.  I'll put in a feature request for this.  I don't mind others looking at it but who knows who might wreck it before you get a chance to view and edit.  Thank you for your help.

Hi Tony 

Thanks for sharing that doc! Hm I see what you mean with that pipe joint on the bottom left - that is definitely unexpected behavior! Luckily it is pretty easy to move the vertical pipe back to its original position. I will post any other workarounds that I come across in this thread! Please follow up with any workarounds that you find or any other issues that you are encountering. 

Waht the heck? I'm having the same issue. I end up getting weird spagettii lines that I can't straighten out without moving a bunch of little boxes. Any advise?

Good to see that I'm not the only one with that problem!  Well not that good really but you know what I mean.  With the join about as perpendicular at the T junction as I can make it like this:

If I merely click the mouse cursor on the white square the line instantly does this:



Hi Larry and Tony 

Thanks for sharing those additional instances of this issue! Is this occurring with specific documents/shape libraries? I'd love to pinpoint the specific circumstances under which this issue is occurring. 

Thanks Annika I don't know the answer to your question sorry.  I've only made this one diagram.  Fortunately I've finished this one.  The link to the drawing is still active above so you can have a play with it.

Thanks for sharing! I will post here with any updates I have about this issue. If you encounter this with another document or if other people have reports of this issue please share here! Thanks!

Hi Tony S - I had the same issue with trying to adjust curved lines - I wanted to remove some of those "little blue squares" on the curved line. I also accidently found the "Remove Joint" option and was able to reproduce it after some trial and error. I'm working on a laptop - I hover the mouse pointer over the joint in question so that the joint square changes from white to blue (the "little blue square") right click the mouse pad and it brings up a small menu box with two options - "Remove Joint" & "Reset Default Shape".  Voila ! Joint be gone ! 

You're welcome !

When I right-click the "little blue square" I get a pop-up menu whose first option is "Remove Joint".

I think Lucid Chart could do a much better job with their documentation.  It took me a long time to figure out what to even call the things.  They are relying far too much on the user community.

Hi Tim

Thanks for your sharing your feedback on the Lucidchart community! I have passed it on to our content team for their consideration. 
