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I'm trying to build an architecture diagram where each shape has custom properties (like description wiki url repo url contact person etc.). I wanted to show all of this information in a panel at the bottom when the shape is clicked instead of showing it within the shape using formula. Kinda similar to the properties plugin in



I tried to create such a panel in another layer and toggle that layer using shape actions. But that panel can't access the properties of the shape that was clicked to show in the panel. 



Please suggest a solution.











Hi Nishant 

It sounds like you have successfully been able to create a hotspot that shows a new layer when you click on a shape. That is great and is definitely a tool you should use to get your desired panel!

It also sounds like you have been able to link the correct data to shapes (like description wiki url repo url contact person etc.) however these shapes containing information will have to remain separate from a button you are using to toggle the information on and off. They are not intended to automatically create a separate pop-up shape that displays when you click/hover. 

I would suggest creating shapes that you want to appear on your main diagram and connect them by a hotspot to the shapes containing information specific to them. The shapes in a new layer will be the ones you need to link the data to. This way you can toggle on/off the information about the shapes when you click your main diagram. 

If anyone else has questions similar to Nishant's please check out the following articles.

Add an Action or link to a shape in Lucidchart

Add layers to a Lucidchart document

Link data to a Lucidchart document



Thanks Emma! The challenge with this approach is that I'll have to create over 50 panels manually for each shape in my large diagram and link each one to a separate row in the google sheet (hard to maintain in future as well). If I could create a single panel that'll take the shape id/label as a parameter and load data from the relevant row from the linked google sheet. That'd work great !

Anyway another challenge I have is - In the information panel along with texts (like description contact person etc.) I also have links (wiki repo etc.). For these links instead of showing the full URL I wanted to show just a normal text like 'wiki' with a hyperlink that points to the actual url. Is there a shape that supports writing HTML where I can use the anchor tag with a formula value in href  OR can we use formula for a web link in 'Actions' ?



Unfortunately we don't have a feature that would automate this kind of process. While this is not a perfect solution manually creating panels for each will be your best option. Our development team would love to hear more about your case and any feature requests you may have to make this process more smooth! You can post about it in our product feedback space, ideas posted here are shared directly with our developers.

For your information panel you will need your shape to display whatever the actual text you want to see is like "Wiki". From there you can create hyperlinks on those words using the "Link to Web" in the Actions menu. 
