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I'm looking for a way to visually emphasize connected lines when I select an object. For instance, if Object 2 is linked to Object 1 by a green line and to other objects by different colored lines, I'd like to click Object 2 and have only those connecting lines remain visible, effectively muting the rest.


Is this possible?

Hi ​@Ricardo Ramirez 

You can utilize Conditional Formatting and Formulas.

This approach enables you to dynamically adjust the appearance - including color, opacity, and thickness - of connected lines when an object is selected.

By defining data fields for both objects and lines, you can automate this process, eliminating the need for manual adjustments to visibility and ensuring a seamless user experience.

To learn more - Highlighting connected shapes using conditional formatting & formulas | Community

Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards
