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Hi All

How do I convert all the Entity shapes to another shape (with 3 Field Rows) without having to redraw the entire diagram?

Thank you for helping out. 


Hi Shivali thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community I am happy to help! When selecting an Entity shape from the Entity Relationship shape library the Advanced Shape Menu will drop down from the top of the editor. Use the Advanced Shape Menu to change the number of fields in a table.

For more information on this please take a look at the Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) article in our Help Center. Hope this helps! 

Hi Eric

Thank you for your reply. The feature you described lets you add fields to the shape you choose. However my requirement is to convert from one shape to another without having to delete and add a new one. For instance

Hi Shivali thanks for clarifying. Unfortunately it's not currently possible to manually change your ERD shape to add more columns/attributes- you can only adjust the fields (rows) as described by Eric above. If being able to adjust the columns of an existing ERD shape would be a useful feature for you please feel free post in our Product Feedback section. These posts are submitted to our Product team so filling this in is the best way to advocate for a new feature you would like to see.

I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you and please let us know if you have any other questions.

How to convert one shape to another across the diagram?

I'm also having the same hinge and I wish it could be possible to convert from one diagram model to another with different columns count from the previous.

Hi John

Thanks for adding to this thread.

It is possible to change an existing shape on your canvas to another shape in the same shape library however at this time this is not possible with ERD shapes.

It's not currently possible to manually change your ERD shape to add more columns/attributes- you can only adjust the fields (rows) as described earlier in this thread.

Please do make sure do post in our Product Feedback section should you wish to advocate for this feature. Thank you!
