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It’s been a little while since I last used LucidCharts and the first thing I needed to do is represent a “user”. It seems the ability to find shapes has changed drastically since I last used LucidChart and I can’t seem to find a user icon. I spent ten minutes looking for a very basic user icon. When I search “user” in the Shapes library, the first result is a shape from Google Cloud Containers (something I never enabled) and is blank and doesn’t show anything. I’ve spent 10 minutes trying to find a user icon and none of the libraries I’ve searched seem to have them. I’m sure LucidCharts wasn’t designed to stop me before I get started simply by eating my time to find a user icon. So, I’m not sure what’s going on here and why its so difficult to find one of the most commonly used shapes. For now, I’ve given up on LucidChart and going to use a different tool. I hope I’m missing something and can return to LucidChart at some point.  

Hi ​@peterp 

To find a User Icon, you can try these steps:

  1. Enable the Basic Shape Library – The "People" shape category contains user icons:
  • Click on “Shapes” (left panel).
  • Search for "User" 
  • you should see a range of user-related icons.

Hope this helps

Hi ​@peterp, thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had a hard time finding a user icon.

The suggestion above from ​@Ria S is a great place to start. Is there a specific user icon you are searching for? Are you able to find what you are looking for with the steps suggested above? 

If you find the icon you are looking for by searching and scrolling down the list of options, you can then pin the shapes to make them readily accessible in the future. 

Please let me know if you need any more support or if you have any further questions! 


Thanks for your fast replies. 


So, in Ria’s screenshot, Ria is showing the same thing that I see: the top result is an empty image. The second result is 2 users. The rest of the results are not for a single user. 

And Ambar, in your screenshot, the first result is a “User subscription” which is not what I’m looking for and your second result is “Users” plural. 

The closest thing that might apply is under “General Icons” and there is a “User icon”, but this icon looks bad. The icon that is the 2nd result for “Users” is more what I’m looking for but just for one person. So, again, how does LucidChart simply not have a very basic User icon that represents a single “user”, not user(s) and not a “User subscription” and not one that looks bad. 

Hi ​@peterp, thank you for your response! If you scroll through the options there are a few more available, and while one does say ‘users’ plural, dragging the icon onto the canvas reveals a single person. From there, you can rename it so that it does not appear as ‘users’ plural. Does scrolling through the options available here show any icons that work for you?


To rename an icon, you can double-click and type in your desired name. 


If you’re not finding what you’re looking for, you can also create custom shapes and add shapes to a custom shape library. To learn more, I’d recommend reading through the Add and customize shapes in Lucidchart article and the Shape libraries in Lucidchart article from the Lucid Help Center. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about that, happy to help further! 

If you’re not satisfied with Lucid’s shape offerings, we still highly value your feedback! If you’re willing to share, feel free to create an idea for the the Product Feedback space of this community where our product teams are regularly reviewing posts as they research new features and product enhancements.

Hi Ambar, 


Thanks again for your help. Unfortunately, most of those icons have some other adornment that wouldn’t work when the need is for a simple user icon. The only icons that would potentially work are the “User icon” but this one looks bad, and the “Users” icon. I don’t really understand why a “Users” icon, plural, just has one user, or if there is any special behavior to it that makes it singular or plural. I just want a basic user icon. 


For contrast, when I search in Google images, here is what I see: 

Google image User icons

Hopefully you can see the vast qualitative difference behind what is shown here versus what LucidChart has to offer. If LucidChart’s intention is to have us quickly and efficiently designing charts, I would hope they have icons that meet the most common cases - and I would argue a User icon is one of the most common icons used when designing charts. As such, its disappointing to see the lack of options here. Further, I don’t plan to waste time designing custom shapes. I’m just going to move to a different tool which has these common icons out of box. I’m a big fan of LucidChart and have been for years, so I hope this gets improved. I’ll check back in the future. Thanks.

Hi ​@peterp, thank you for sharing those details and I’m sorry for any inconvenience here. I can certainly see how the addition of more user icon options would be beneficial.

We’re very interested in your feedback and committed to continually improving our products. We’d love to hear more details about your use case or what you’d like to see in this experience. If you’re willing to share, feel free to create an idea for the the Product Feedback space of this community.

Finally, for more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post:


Alright, I took even more time to post over there the exact content that I posted here. Not sure why it’s needed twice to provide feedback. But here’s the link: 


Hi ​@peterp, thank you for posting that to the Product Feedback space and taking the time to leave the link to your post within this thread! Now others can upvote your post and add their own comments with details on what they’d like to see as well. 
